The Impact of Contractors
Visualising the Impact of ContractorsMost companies of size today balance a workforce of employees and contractors. A recent NPR/Marist poll showed 1 in 5 jobs is held under a contract. Loosely defined, an employee will just be working for your organisation, generally works at your place of business, is entitled [...]
Mind the Gap: Open Positions
Mind the Gap: Managing Open Positions in Your Organization Identifying and filling open positions quickly and effectively is a priority for the human resources department of any organization. Employees come and go constantly, not just with resignations but retirements, promotions and relocations. Gaps in the organization need to be [...]
Facial Recognition Feature
OrgChart Platinum Facial Recognition Feature: What’s That New Guy’s Name Again? Forgot the name of a colleague you’ve already been introduced to? Need to look up the boss of an employee you met at a trade show? Humans are better at recognizing faces than recalling names. In fact, there’s an [...]
Succession Planning
Succession PlanningBy 2024, baby boomers will have reached ages 60 to 78 and will be retiring in droves from the workforce. Progressive businesses, both big and small, can’t afford to wait until the moment senior members of their staff announce their departures to start planning their replacements.Before a successful succession [...]
OfficeWork Software Announces OrgChart Platinum 10 — Expanding A Better Way to Chart, Plan and Gain HR Intelligence About Your Organisation
OfficeWork Software Announces OrgChart Platinum 10 Expanding A Better Way to Chart, Plan and Gain HR Intelligence About Your Organisation OrgChart Platinum adds flexibility in helping organisations manage their organisational structure and workforce planning. Novato CA, August 29, 2017, OfficeWork Software, a leader in organisational charting and workforce planning solutions, has released OrgChart [...]
How to Avoid Skill Shortages in Your Organization
How to Avoid Skill Shortages in Your Organization Joe Kolinger presented this webcast at recently: Protecting your company from skill shortages is a ubiquitous problem. Today, many companies are facing a common problem – they have plenty of “data” about their talent, but what they don’t have is a [...]